About Us

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 278 was chartered on April 24, 1926. Charter members were: G. Cowan, Archer Schultz, Charles Featherton, Walter Hoffman, Richard Pitts, C. M. Mathieu, James Hendricks, W.J. James and Harry Wells. The first working agreement was signed on May 1, 1928 and consisted of only two pages. We have come a long way since that time and we believe the charter members of our local would be proud that IBEW Local Union 278 is still a leader in the community and is revered by all of the other unions in our area.

IBEW Local Union 278 is primarily an inside local union. We have approximately 500 members of which the vast majority are classified as inside wiremen. Our inside contractors have the capability and expertise to perform electrical installations on any residential, commercial, and industrial project. Our contractors also have the best trained service technicians and are fully equipped to handle any electrical problem in our jurisdiction. We also have jurisdiction in electrical manufacturing, government, and outside line work.

There are several specialty areas where one will find the members of the I.B.E.W. and Local 278. These areas are best described by the type of work done in each of those areas.

Inside Wiremen are electrical workers who install the power, lighting, controls, as well as security control systems and other electrical equipment in residential, commercial and industrial plants and buildings.

Outside Linemen are the electrical workers who install the distribution and transmission lines that move power from the power plant to a factory, a business, or your home.

Wind Power currently I.B.E.W. Local Union 278 is leading the way in wind power generation in South Texas with the construction of phase one of a 201.6 megawatt wind farm in Sarita, Texas. This work is being installed by both inside wiremen and outside linemen members of the I.B.E.W. and Local Union 278.